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Adoption Tracking Meeting
Scope of this chapter
This chapter outlines the terms of reference for the Adoption Tracking Meeting.
Derby City Council uses a Strengths Based Approach for all work with children and families.
The purpose of the Adoption Tracking Meeting is:
- To monitor the progress of identifying an adoptive family for children who have a plan for adoption;
- To consider the "early alerts" of children who are likely to have adoption as a plan.
- Team manager, Children's Permanence Team;
- Adoption East Midlands home finding team;
- Minute taker.
- Social workers of the children will be emailed prior to the meeting for an update on progress of home finding;
- Permanence Planning Meetings should take place prior to the case being presented to the Agency Decision Maker for the approval of the plan;
- 'Early alerts' of children likely to have a plan of adoption will be discussed an a view taken as to the timing of commencing family finding. This may include seeking a Fostering For Adoption placement;
- The child will be considered at the Adoption Tracking Meeting immediately after the Adoption Panel Agency Decision Maker has approved the plan for adoption;
- Family finding may begin prior to the agency decision in certain circumstances and subject to legal advice;
- The child's Adoption Plan will continue to be tracked until a suitable match is identified, or the meeting feels that the plan should be revisited because agreed timescales have not been achieved;
- The child's journey will continue to be tracked through to the making of the Adoption order to ensure that children's plans are timely;
- The minute taker will update the tracker each month and Adoption East Midlands home finders will also record on their own tracker.
Last Updated: May 20, 2024